Music preferences can reveal something about someone. What can we learn from it?
What is the best way to let an outlet for your emotions and feelings and tune into an intimate or working way? The best option is to put on your music! We won’t smother you with references to research of all-knowing scientists or clutter the text in “interesting facts”, but simply point out that music has always been a crucial element of life, and it has had a profound impact on the physical and psychological condition of the individual.
It is sacred to music
Music enthralled people, took them into a state of trance during rituals of awe and allowed them to communicate with gods, enthused them in combat and helped heal them physically as well as mentally. The human experience was transformed by music in the Paleolithic period, when every action and ceremony was accompanied by a thumping music and complex mixtures. Indigenous music from Africa and Americas continues to be founded on the same principles that were established hundreds of thousands of years ago.
The music slowly moved away from rhythm, and towards melodies, and the wind instrument and strings came into. In the time of the early world, music stepped with a huge arsenal of instruments, it was healing and brought joy. The philosophers and priests from ancient Egypt, China, Rome and Greece recognized that music has immense influence on conscious and unconscious processes that comprise the human mind. Ancient thinkers dedicated scientific papers on the effects of music therapy on human bodies and claimed that by music, the order of the world is created, and the harmony of the body is disrupted.
What genre of music are you listening to?
When we ask this query is the first step. We need to understand the way a person breathes in, what music he or she is interested in and how he or likes. It is evident that the preferences of a person’s music reflect in the persona and mood. However, it’s not that simple with the help of the many research studies, it’s easy to create an incorrect impression of a person and put up a number of labels. It’s easy to make mistakes.
Classical music
Many articles have been written on the power and healing qualities that classical music has. It is beneficial to the human body and emotional state. It also and gives people an immense amount of positive energy.
LinkedIn conducted an internal investigation and discovered that more than 70 percent of middle and upper management levels take in classical music regularly and have reported a positive effect on their performance and productivity. It’s not a secret that it has been shown to increase brain activity, increase abilities in math and logic to improve mental health and boost resilience to stress. What characteristics do the people who love Mozart and Tchaikovsky have? Charm and confidence with a legitimate claim to intellectual excellence.
Blues, Jazz and Reggae
In the front of you is an exceptional persona, if you take a look at one of the areas you have chosen. In the end, behind the music is a particular concept of the world and a certain passion. Reggae is regarded as music that is in positive mood and is not a source of anger and bitterness. Blues and jazz clearly demonstrate an excellent musical sense and a desire to experiment.
Rock music
There is no unambiguous opinion on a person who loves rock, not even scientists or psychologists. On one side, there is the opinion that heavy low-frequency and expressive music can have an adverse effect on the psyche, and may trigger a surge of energy, including aggression. However in the rock music community, there are many talented individuals who are able to think outside the box, don’t believe in falsification and can impress with the depth of their knowledge of science and imagination.
Rap and Hip-Hop
Behind the rhythmic clarity and beat as well as the ferocity and force of the lyrics are always a rebellion within that is driven by the desire to assert your voice heard and be assertive. In the hip-hop and rap frequently, you will see the younger generation that is still forming a new life, and is on its path to professional and personal development. It doesn’t matter if the content is positive or not, this song is an expression for the rebellion.
Does music have the power to change someone’s life? Sure, it can alter the persona, inspire and maintain a positive mood. So, turn on your favorite music and search for those who share a similar spirit.